Global Energy and Climate Outlook 2021: Advancing towards climate neutrality

Data complementing the JRC Science for Policy Global Energy and Climate Outlook report series. The data is detailed balances of energy, greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions for several scenarios of the GECO 2021 reports (Current Policies, NDC-LTS, 1.5°C-Uniform and 1.5°C-Differentiated) for 39 world regions and the EU27. The data has been produced with the global energy and GHG emissions model POLES-JRC.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Language 1 English
Author(s) -
Contact florian.fosse (at)
Organization European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Publication date 2024-04-22
Keywords GECO 2022, energy, emissions
Measure tools The data has been produced with the global energy and GHG emissions model POLES-JRC.
Project name Global Energy and Climate Outlook 2021: Advancing towards climate neutrality
Grant agreement ID -
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Start date
End date
Citation European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) (2021): Global Energy and Climate Outlook 2021: Advancing towards climate neutrality. European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) [Dataset] PID:
Project description The Global Energy and Climate Outlook (GECO) 2021 takes stock of recent updates of national climate targets taking into account nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and national long-term net zero strategies.
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