Use of renewables for transport - Details

This dataset covers the indicator for monitoring progress towards renewable energy targets of the Europe 2020 strategy implemented by Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (RED I) and the Fit for 55 strategy uner the Green Deal implemented by Directive (EU) 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (RED II). Hydro is normalised (averaged over a number of years to smooth out the effects of climatic variation) and excluding pumping. Wind is also normalised (and from 2021 onwards as per RED II separately for on-shore and off-shore). Solar includes solar photovoltaics and solar thermal power generation. All other renewables include electricity generation from gaseous and liquid biofuels, renewable municipal waste, geothermal, and tide, wave & ocean. Only electricity produced from compliant liquid biofuels can be accounted. For 2021 onwards (as per RED II), also solid and gaseous biofuels combusted in installations above a certain threshold need to comply with sustainability and greenhouse gas emissions saving criteria. Renewable energy sources used for heating and cooling include solar thermal, geothermal energy, ambient heat captured by heat pumps for heating (and from 2021 onwards, renewable cooling, as per RED II), solid, liquid and gaseous biofuels, and the renewable part of waste. Only heat produced from compliant liquid biofuels can be accounted for. From 2021 onwards (as per RED II), solid and gaseous biofuels combusted in installations above a certain threshold need to comply with sustainability and greenhouse gas emissions saving criteria. RED II modifies the multipliers for the use of renewable electricity in different means of transport. Data until 2020 are calculated on the basis of RED I, while data for 2021 follow RED II. Due to the change of legal basis, a break in series occurs between 2020 and 2021. Readers are encouraged to analyse the differences between both Directives (RED I and RED II), the energy sector and all national specificities before drawing any conclusions from the comparison of year 2021 with previous time series. The SHARES Manual provides details on the methodology used for the calculation of the share of renewables.

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Polje Vrednost
Language 1 English
Author(s) -
Contact European Commission - Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Union
Organizacija -
Publication date 2024-04-22
Keywords Renewable energy targets, Europe 2020 strategy
Measure tools -
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