ENSPRESO - Integrated Data

The ENSPRESO integrated dataset contains harmonised ENSPRESO data from wind, solar and biomass potentials. It is fully based on a selection of the data contained in the separate ENSPRESO data files. The data is taken for EU + UK and only 2030 data is used. The ENSPRESO integrated dataset consists of two CSV files: 1) ENSPRESO_Integrated_NUTS2_Data.csv 2) ENSPRESO_Integrated_EEZ_Data_Offshore.csv

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Polje Vrednost
Language 1 English
Author(s) -
Contact jrc-data-energy-union (at) ec.europa.eu
Organizacija European Commission
Publication date 2024-04-24
Keywords ENSPRESO, wind, solar, biomass
Measure tools -
Project name ENergy Systems Potential Renewable Energy SOurces | ENSPRESO
Grant agreement ID -
Fundraiser European Commission
Start date
End date
Citation European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) (2021): ENSPRESO - INTEGRATED DATA. European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) [Dataset] PID: http://data.europa.eu/89h/88d1c405-0448-4c9e-b565-3c30c9b167f7
Project description ENSPRESO complements the EMHIRES collection, that provides meteorologically derived power time series at high temporal and spatial resolution. ENSPRESO can impact the results of any energy model by improving its analyses of the competition and complementarity of energy technologies.
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