AURORA App Internal Testing

The test is mainly designed to identify potential issues in using the app, for instance where functionality might appear to be broken, or if data entries produce unexpected results.

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Dodatne informacije

Polje Vrednost
Language 1 English
Author(s) Lars Lorenz (INSCICO)
Organizacija Institute for Science and Innovation Communication (INSCICO)
Publication date 2024-04-22
Keywords Test, AURORA app, potential issues
Measure tools Survey
Project name Achieving a new European Energy Awareness | AURORA Project
Grant agreement ID 101036418
Start date 2021-12-01
End date 2025-05-31
Citation -
Project description AURORA project is focused on solar energy and aimed at engaging citizens with energy sustainable behaviours across five locations (Denmark, England, Portugal, Slovenia, and Spain), where AURORA has installed photovoltaic panels and manages energy communities. For this purpose, AURORA has developed an app to monitor individual energy behavior which will help users to make more informed energy decisions and achieve near zero-emission goal.
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