SolarChem Knowledge Graph

Photocatalysis experiments extracted from scientific literature annotated with the SolarChem ontology.

Data og ressurser


Felt Verdi
Language 1 English
Author(s) Ana Iglesias-Molina, Daniel Garijo, Laura Collado, Miguel Tecedor and Víctor de la Peña
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Organisasjon Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and IMDEA Energía
Publication date 2024-06-06
Keywords Solar energy, knowledge graphs, photocatalysis experiment
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Project name SolarChem 5.0
Grant agreement ID TED2021-130173B-C43
Fundraiser Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MCIU), AEI/European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR)
Start date 2022-12-01
End date 2024-11-30
Citation -
Project description Towards Digital Transition in Solar Chemistry (SolarChem 5.0) focuses the suitability of the application of AI in the development of Solar Chemistry technologies covering from the synthesis of highly efficient and stable hybrid photoelectrodes with improved and selective enzyme co-catalysts to the design and construction of a Solar PEC reactor. PSA will be concentrated in the conceptual design and development of a Solar photoelectrochemical (PEC) reactor using Artificial Intelligence tools for the selection of the most suitable configuration. The research activities will be managed by researcher from two different institutions: PSA-CIEMAT and ICMSE-CSIC. The lack of large-scale PEC solar reactors and standardized protocols are important obstacles for the PEC technologies development. This is mainly because having a controllably large area of high-performance, photoelectrodes for scaling up still remains challenging. So, it is essential to design solar PEC reactors able to work with different feedstocks. such as wastewater, seawater or CO2 from atmospheric or industrial flue gas and biomass-derived products (i.e.,pbioethanol, glycerol), among others. Due to the low flux density of available solar radiation on the earth's surface, concentrating solar power technology is the most viable current technological option to increase this density value and thus improve the efficiency per unit area of solar energy conversion systems.
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