AURORA Energy Tracker App Dashboard on 29 October 2024
Podaci i Resursi
Dodatne informacije
Polje | Vrijednost |
Language 1 | Danish, English, German, Portuguese, Slovenian, Spanish, |
Author(s) | AURORA project. |
Contact | - |
Organizacija | AURORA project. Institute for Science and Innovation Communication (INSCICO) |
Publication date | 2024-05-16 |
Keywords | AURORA Energy Tracker, dashboard, app metrics, label data, real-time data |
Measure tools | AURORA Energy Tracker. In support of Open Science, AURORA hereby discloses the metrics used by the Energy Tracker to calculate carbon emissions, energy usage and the labels. |
Project name | Achieving a new European Energy Awareness | AURORA Project |
Grant agreement ID | 101036418 |
Fundraiser | European Commission |
Start date | |
End date | |
Citation | - |
Project description | AURORA project is focused on solar energy and aimed at engaging citizens with energy sustainable behaviours across five locations (Denmark, England, Portugal, Slovenia, and Spain), where AURORA has installed photovoltaic panels and manages energy communities. For this purpose, AURORA has developed an app to monitor individual energy behavior which will help users to make more informed energy decisions and achieve near zero-emission goal. |
Licence | CC BY 4.0 |