SOLAR (PV and CSP) data set of ENSPRESO
Photovoltaic and communications service providers information from the ENSPRESO project. -
Global Energy and Climate Outlook 2022: Energy trade in a decarbonised world
Data complementing the JRC Science for Policy Global Energy and Climate Outlook report series. The data is detailed balances of energy, greenhouse gas and air pollutant... -
Global Energy and Climate Outlook 2021: Advancing towards climate neutrality
Data complementing the JRC Science for Policy Global Energy and Climate Outlook report series. The data is detailed balances of energy, greenhouse gas and air pollutant... -
Energy-balance statistics seen from a network perspective
Translation of energy balance statistics (published by Eurostat) into networks of interconnected activities, where nodes represent activities of supply, transformation,... -
Raw material demand forecast for wind turbines and solar PVs 2018-2050
The datasets provide numerical information of future demand of structural and technology-specific raw materials for low carbon technologies, namely wind turbines and solar PVs,... -
ENSPRESO - Integrated Data
The ENSPRESO integrated dataset contains harmonised ENSPRESO data from wind, solar and biomass potentials. It is fully based on a selection of the data contained in the separate...
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