Raw material demand forecast for wind turbines...

URL: http://data.aurora.linkeddata.es/dataset/0ec0bf1c-79c3-4d94-a653-faf6c05b7ee0/resource/1dac7c3e-6b29-4057-a9c3-9762ef5074a2/download/jrc-raw-materials-demand-for-wind-and-solar-pv-technologies-in-the-transition-towards-a-decarbo.xlsx

The datasets provide numerical information of future demand of structural and technology-specific raw materials for low carbon technologies, namely wind turbines and solar PVs, up to 2050. Quantitative assessment of structural and technology specific raw materials needed to deploy wind turbines and solar PVs up to 2050. The demand is calculated under three different scenarios which take into account future energy deployment, evolution of market shares for different energy sub-technologies, lifetimes of wind turbines and solar PVs, material intensities. Further details can be found in a dedicated technical report.

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Sidst opdateret 22 April 2024
Oprettet 22 April 2024
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